At the beginning of January 2022, the Federal Social Insurance Office (FSIO) again updated the information on the special COVID arrangements in the area of social security. This information is available at: (German/French/Italian).
But what happens after COVID when home office has become the norm: continue or cut back?
Online seminar for HR and Payroll on 29. and 30.6.2022 each afternoon in German (update)
I address a wide range of legal aspects and show suggestions for implementation. Due to the limited number of participants, there is plenty of room for a stimulating exchange.
In updating the payroll tax book (QST in German) WEKA Edition 2022 as well as recent enquiries from my clients, I have again dealt in depth with cross-border commuter and double taxation agreements. Taxes and social security are not the only aspects that need to be addressed when creating a home office policy with an international dimension and considered correctly in the payroll.
Where are the pitfalls now and after COVID? Which situations lead to exponential additional work in the companies?
Further details and registration at: