As of 7.7.2022, online applications for back payments of short-time allowances (KAE) in summary proceedings for the years 2020 and 2021 can be submitted

On 20 June 2022, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) published information on how to apply for back payment of unpaid holiday entitlements for employees on a monthly salary.

The companies concerned can submit their applications via eService on the portal between 7.7. and 31.10.2022. Detailed calculations per payroll period are required. This procedure is also necessary for companies that have previously taken legal action.

Detailed information is available at (only available in German, French and Italian):

An affected company should first weigh up whether it is worth the effort to file.
For companies that have received other COVID 19 aid, it can become a nil-sum game with additional administrative costs. If a profit is made through the cumulation of COVID 19 financial aid and the additional payment in the area of short-time allowances (KAE), this overcompensation can lead to a claim for repayment by the competent authorities.

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